Globalization, Coups, and the Consequences of Voting No

The United States government is currently attempting to effect “regime change” in Venezuela. To put it bluntly, we’re attempting to overthrow their government and install our own guy. The government, led by President Maduro, is socialist, i.e., on the left side of politics. The right wing “opposition” is led by a 35 year old newcomer named Guaido, who was educated in Washington, DC at George Washington University and wants to pursue the kinds of neoliberal, capitalist-friendly policies that are in favor in the US and EU. The President was duly elected. Opposition leader Guaido has simply declared himself “interim” president. The United States, and all the other globalized economies (Canada, France, England, Germany) have instantly “recognized” this self-appointed leader as the legitimate ruler of Venezuela. No votes were deemed necessary. Read More