By all means, vote Trump out of office, but don’t be fooled into thinking that because we’ve got a Democrat back in the white house, everything will be all better. It won’t be. Not only will Covid-19 still be with us, but all the social, economic, climate, and other problems as well. I will refrain from commenting further, except to say: People love to talk about “holding their feet to the fire” but let’s face it, we never do it. If past administrations are any indication, many of us will make excuses for them. Read More
Tag: Election
Bernie’s School of Hard Knocks
I hadn’t planned on supporting Bernie’s second run, but somehow I got sucked into it anyway. And, it turned out to be just as soul-crushing and depressing as I expected it would be before I allowed my heart (and pollsters) to rule my common sense.
It began sensibly enough. I was just going to dabble, I told myself. I resisted getting on any lists or donating any money to his campaign. I stayed cool.
But as the race heated up, I got hooked. And anyway — the polls looked so good. How could he lose? Read More
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