Bernie’s School of Hard Knocks

I hadn’t planned on supporting Bernie’s second run, but somehow I got sucked into it anyway.  And, it turned out to be just as soul-crushing and depressing as I expected it would be before I allowed my heart (and pollsters) to rule my common sense.   

It began sensibly enough.  I was just going to dabble, I told myself. I resisted getting on any lists or donating any money to his campaign. I stayed cool.

But as the race heated up, I got hooked. And anyway — the polls looked so good.  How could he lose?  Read More

The DNC Vs Everybody – A Footnote to Russiagate

Those following the Julian Assange story probably already know about the recent ruling in the DNC email case. This is the one where the DNC sued Russia, the Trumpies, and Wikileaks over their stolen emails. They said it was racketeering. The judge said it wasn’t and dismissed the case. With prejudice meaning they even can’t file it again.

This was such a bummer to the DNC that they initially had nothing to say. The next day, they managed to mumble a few words about what a shame it was that free speech trumps the sanctity of our elections, or words to that effect. A few news outlets covered it and then the story faded away. Which is odd because it was kind of a big story — one wonders how it would have been covered had the ruling gone the other way.
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