Capitalist Raider Culture or Why Geography Matters

It’s easy to look at what happened between the so-called Western nations and the rest of the world and call it racism.  But what if the problem with white people isn’t racial, but geographic?

These speculations began while I was reading a Geography textbook from 1920 — that’s 100 years ago this year.  Reading about the land and resources of people around the world is interesting in and of itself — Vermont was a wood state, Maryland grew a lot of strawberries, that sort of thing.  But where it got especially interesting was when it came to the differences between peoples of foreign lands.  

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Is Anyone Else Freaked Out?

Originally posted: 6/1/2010

I was sitting outside with my mother last night, enjoying the gloaming after a pleasant and peaceful Memorial Day barbecue, when it suddenly occurred to both of us to look for the Last Judgement chapters of the Gospels.  We read a passage out of Mark about apocalyptic earthquakes, famine, and destruction — “When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.”  I think I just laughed but it was nervous laughter. At no other time in my life have those words sounded so apt for the times.  And that freaked me out

But I was already freaked out.  I had a mini nervous breakdown this weekend, created by a variety of factors —  exhaustion, stress, Gulf oil spill disaster, financial market weirdness, strange storms that take down trees, and probably most of all, the need I’ve felt to continue to carry on with my life as though nothing were happening.

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