Whither The Artist?


I was musing today on the ongoing boycott of the Jay Leno show and it got me thinking how few avenues there are in modern life for creative people.  For those not in the know, television workers in LA are annoyed that the Leno show will effectively pre-empt five weekly, primetime shows and all the staff that would have been necessary to produce them.  According to the disgruntled, running the Leno show at 10:00 PM  is a cost-cutting measure that allows NBC to replace these five shows — and the artists and technicians employed in creating them — with one host and a skeleton crew. 

Nothing against Leno who is an affable and innocuous guy, but if you assume that it takes 50 to 100 people to produce one original, prime-time hour of television, that’s a lot of creative people who potentially don’t have jobs right now.  Read More