The Unspoken Ideology

Originally posted: August 28, 2006

White people really are better. We just are: we’re smarter, better educated, and better looking. We know more — so much more than all the other races of people on the planet that we have to be like parents to them. We know what’s best for them, and because they don’t have our wealth of wealth and knowledge (which is evidence in itself that they are inferior to us), we have to take care of them. And we know best how to take care of them — they should be grateful to us, after all, for the many things we’ve done to help them live better lives under our vastly superior, modern American system.

There is a cross we have to bear: people around the world are troublesome, and when they get out of line, it’s up to us Americans to get in there and restore order. We don’t want to have to go blow up these people, but they force us to with their bad behavior and idolatrous religions and irregular forms of government.

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