News Blog

The Unspoken Ideology

| The Bush Years, The Trump Years

Originally posted: August 28, 2006

White people really are better. We just are: we’re smarter, better educated, and better looking. We know more — so much more than all the other races of people on the planet that we have to be like parents to them. We know what’s best for them, and because they don’t have our wealth of wealth and knowledge (which is evidence in itself that they are inferior to us), we have to take care of them. And we know best how to take care of them — they should be grateful to us, after all, for the many things we’ve done to help them live better lives under our vastly superior, modern American system.

There is a cross we have to bear: people around the world are troublesome, and when they get out of line, it’s up to us Americans to get in there and restore order. We don’t want to have to go blow up these people, but they force us to with their bad behavior and idolatrous religions and irregular forms of government.

If there are two things we can’t stand, it’s bad government and bad religion. All governments and religions that aren’t like ours are bad. Our government is democratic capitalism and our religion is Christianity. If you have neither, look out. Our god is the best god and our political system is the best political system: all other gods and governments are false and dangerous. And God hates false gods, and needs us, the white Americans, to go kick the butts of all the people who believe in a different god or system, because it’s sinful to believe in gods or systems of government different from ours.

There are a few things we do value: no, not Mom and apple pie — Dad and law and order. We like stern discipline, both in our homes and in all the institutions of our country. We like strict parents and tough police who are tough on criminals. We like corporal punishment and the death penalty. We believe that punishment is the only language most people understand. We believe that fathers best understand this and are capable of the necessary rigor to properly lead a family — or a nation. Women, children, and people of other races are all inferior in this regard. Remember, God created Adam first, and made him in charge. Look what happened when Eve got the upper hand!

We think women’s place really is in the home, unless the woman is poor in which case she should work herself to death, if need be, to avoid becoming a burden to society. Otherwise, women can keep plenty busy raising children, shopping, taking care of the house, and enjoying an active social life. Her husband can pay the bills. Of course, some perfectly nice women are forced to work — due to that liberal plot Feminism — and we are sympathetic. But they still need to marry and have kids, manage their homes, and take care of their families, because this is what women do. Nevertheless, the final authority in the home has to be the man — it’s his job to lead, hers to follow.

We believe in freedom to make money, and we believe that after god and family, money — a good living — is the next most important thing. We think there’s nothing wrong with making as much money as we can. After all, if you make a lot of money, that’s a sign that God likes you and approves of what you do — because God rewards the good and punishes the sinners.

We believe in science because scientists use the scientific method which enables them to find out the truth. Only science can discover the truth about anything. Scientific things are better than unscientific things, unless God is somehow involved, in which case God trumps science. According to science, our educational systems and hospitals, our wars and our business enterprises, are the best in the world. We don’t allow intuition, feeling, or superstition to enter into any of the important matters of life. Only statistically reliable, proven, scientific systems will give all of us the right kind of life.

We believe, all of the above notwithstanding, that we are good, decent, righteous people who only do what needs to be done. When we torture and beat prisoners in foreign wars that we started, it’s not out of malice that we act but out of necessity. We are tough and we are winners. We do not quit — not at least, until it becomes bad for business.

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