I’m trying to figure out how to be happy and content in a world intent on self destruction. I could just ignore it as many people do, but that’s not me. I have to worry about things, know about them, think about them, and try to make sense of it all. But of course I can’t because it’s my own country engaged in these self-destructive acts, and that bothers me. So while George Clinton might be right when he says, “We do this—this is what we do,” I still find it hard to accept.
What I find even more disturbing is that it seems as though our own country, America, is very much behind the world’s lemming-like race toward the cliff’s edge. Although our leaders seem thoroughly open in their power-mongering and prevarication, the rest of the world, or at least that white-skinned portion residing in Europe and the Anglosphere, have opted to believe our propaganda, falling into line no matter how absurd the justification. What does America have on these people anyway? do they really believe this nonsense, or are they just hypnotized by our swaggering self-confidence? If so, that’s a bit dispiriting too.
In any event, no matter how you slice it, it looks like global chaos out there with more on the way. The facts on the ground all point in that direction, and strangely enough, there’s no dispute whatsoever about that part of the story–all the world’s governments seem to agree that things are bad and getting worse. The only difference between them and me is that I would like to do something to stop it, whilst they, the world leaders, seem hell-bent on blaming someone (usually Russia) and keeping the destruction going. Although they would tell you that they do this out of principle, I draw the line at principles whose end result is to bring the greatest harm to the greatest number.
It’s all quite disturbing, and while I fret about it almost every day, stilll I get up, drink tea, meditate, read, work, plan meals, worry, contemplate my vague future, buy seeds, grow flowers, fret about the neighbors, shop online, eat cake, wash clothes, light candles, and yes, ponder the end of the world. But really, what other choice do I have? The world will go its own way, regardless of common sense or my own personal views to the contrary. It’s nothing less than the way of things, always and evermore…